

Focus on the production and sales of multi - series multi - style multi - purpose stainless steel kitchen utensils and tableware


Focus on the production and sales of multi - series multi - style multi - purpose stainless steel kitchen utensils and tableware


Continuously improve the advantages of stainless steel processing technology and production technology level.Technical r & D team has many years of industry experience, to innovate to implement industry standards.


The research and development department includes more than 10 highly technical personnel and engineers, and all the molds are processed by ourselves.


The company produces and sells stainless steel kitchen utensils and tableware of many series, many styles and many USES. The products are exported to many countries and regions all over the world, and the main export market is Europe and America.


Take the quality as the goal, take the service as the foundation, guarantees each quality standard product to reach your hand.Perfect service allows you no worries.


Jiangmen Xinhui Yonghua Stainless Steel Products Co. LTD

Jiangmen Xinhui Yonghua Stainless Steel Products Co. LTD is a rapidly developing Hong Kong-invested enterprise.Founded in 1998, the company specializes in the production of stainless steel kitchenware and kitchen accessories, covering a range of household and catering products.

We have over 70,000 square feet of factory space, more than 300 employees, two automatic assembly lines/presses/hydraulic presses, high frequency spot welders, etc.The research and development department includes more than 10 highly technical personnel and engineers, and all the molds are processed by ourselves.Our company constantly improve the quality of all staff on the product monitoring, in strict accordance with customer requirements to carry out.

The company produces and sells many series, many styles and many USES stainless steel kitchen tableware, the product sells in distant markets all over the world each country and the region, the main export market is The European and American country.At the same time I also have their own patent brands: Derek, Jiabo.



Focus on the production and sales of multi - series multi - style multi - purpose stainless steel kitchen utensils and tableware



Maintenance methods of stainless steel kitchenware manufacturers

Stainless steel kitchenware repair stainless steel kitchenware repair is generally more complex, the need to repair the repair personnel, because the stainless steel kitchenware assembly is very strict, so we present the need in the home use of stainless steel repair, do not repair by yourself. Next, the use and maintenance of stainless steel kitchenware is actually relatively simple. Basically, the cabinet of stainless steel kitchenware has its own fundamental moisture-proof treatment, but it i



Misunderstanding of stainless steel kitchen accessories

Stainless steel tableware can not hold these things for a long time, but also pay attention to the following points: 1. Do not pack medicine in stainless steel pot; 2. Do not use detergent with strong acid and alkali; 3. Do not cook empty; 4. Always clean the tableware to ensure its sanitation and dryness. Source: stainless steel kitchen accessories manufacturers www.tzjttf.com



Maintenance methods of stainless steel kitchenware parts

The protection methods of the six parts are as follows: 1. The protection of the stove. Clean the iron frame and stainless steel table on the stove every day to ensure the surface smoothness of the stove. Kitchen oil and other impurities will corrode the appearance of the stove, so often clean the day, natural gas nozzle. 2. Protection of stainless steel cabinet (1) hot pot and hot kettle can not be directly touched with stainless steel cabinet, and a heat insulation pad can be placed on the sta



Stainless steel kitchenware manufacturers tell you the advantages of the products

Now commercial kitchen engineering is basically stainless steel kitchen equipment, so what are the benefits of choosing stainless steel kitchen equipment? Today, let's talk about the advantages of stainless steel kitchen equipment in kitchen engineering. 1. It is very simple to clean, no sanitary corner, and easy to maintain. 2. The design of water basin, baffle and table top makes the whole dining table feel more consolidated, propagated and cracked. 3. Stainless steel kitchenware is environmen

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