
Jiangmen Xinhui Yonghua Stainless Steel Products Co. LTD

A rapidly developing Hong Kong-invested enterprise.Founded in 1998, the company specializes in the production of stainless steel kitchenware and kitchen accessories, covering a range of household and catering products.

We have over 70,000 square feet of factory space, more than 300 employees, two automatic assembly lines/presses/hydraulic presses, high frequency spot welders, etc.The research and development department includes more than 10 highly technical personnel and engineers, and all the molds are processed by ourselves.Our company constantly improve the quality of all staff on the product monitoring, in strict accordance with customer requirements to carry out.

The company produces and sells many series, many styles and many USES stainless steel kitchen tableware, the product sells in distant markets all over the world each country and the region, the main export market is The European and American country.At the same time Division I also have their own brands: Derek, Shuibo.

The company takes the quality as the first, holds the good faith as the objective, diligently provides the excellent product for the general customers, the reasonable price and the punctual delivery time, welcome OEM and ODM order at any time.Please contact us, you will enjoy the reputation of our kitchen utensils.

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